IAP361 Portfolio: Lindsey Rogers
This page will feature my projects and artistic explorations in IAP361 at Arizona State University. Enjoy and leave a comment or feedback; I appreciate it!
Project 1: Composite Image Art "Expect the Unexpected": A strange and desolate wasteland.
Design Concepts Illustrated: ("White Space" and "Emphasis"):
These are from the class's beginning: first learning Photoshop and exploring simple 2D design principles.
Below is my soundscape I created through Adobe Audition in this class. I wanted it to be scary and a little funny:
Finally, here is my final video artwork project. A shut-in young girl is haunted by illusions and frightening dreams--and obsessions with her object of desire. She can't even discern whether he is real or not... if he is, he is definitely dead. Narcissistic and guiltless, she must attempt to get rid of the body--or cast out the apparition...
Here was the storyboard intended for the video above. As you can see, I got a little creative during the filming process, but it was a good inspiration and starting point; it might not line up well, but it was a valuable to have a real-life learning experience about how important planning and time-management is with filming!
Below are some of my creations before this class, just for fun:
IAP 361 Portfolio

IAP 361 Portfolio
